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Puresims Chunky Tees Recolors

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

This lovely shirt was created by @puresims​ and is one of my favorite shirts ever, so I decided to make some recolors of it, there's 16 swatches in total and I hope you enjoy it!

IMPORTANT: If my recolor isn’t working in your game (if it looks like you didn’t download the mesh), please download it again since I’ve updated the file and it should be working properly now.


2 comments on "Puresims Chunky Tees Recolors"
  1. heya!I know this is from a year ago and you're probably too busy to answer, but I can't find the mesh anywhere, do you know if it's still around somewhere? I'm absolutely DYING for these, especially the Skam shirt (alt er love <333)

    1. Heyo! If you're still wanting this; I did some digging and found the mesh here! .
